Project Description and Activities
In the Schoneiche project, approximately 260 hectares of a largely single-layered pine forest near Gebersdorf, roughly 60 kilometers south of Berlin, are being converted into a species-rich and structurally diverse mixed forest.
Structurally poor, pine-dominated stands are gradually being developed into a diverse forest by planting additional tree species or promoting natural regeneration. Rare species such as mountain ash, wild fruit, sweet cherry and yew, as well as various oak species, are being added to create new biotopes and increase biodiversity. The high proportion of deciduous trees and the introduction of climate-resilient species will create a stable mixed forest that is better equipped to face the increasing challenges of climate change, such as storms, drought and pest infestation.
The ambitious, experienced and ecologically orientated forest owner consistently focuses on sustainable management measures and thus contributes to the long-term protection of this valuable forest ecosystem.
Project activities
Impressions of the project
Why we need forest adaptation
Forest areas with many tall and thin trees are more susceptible to storm damage (so-called windthrow). If, in addition, most of the trees in a section of forest are the same height, storms can lead to the loss of entire forest sections.
Beetle infestation
Prolonged drought weakens trees, which can then no longer adequately protect themselves against bark beetles and other infestations. As the trees are close together, a beetle infestation can easily spread to the entire forest and destroy large areas of it.
The Project Team
Till Standarski
from Pina Earth is overseeing the project from the quantification and certification side. This includes, for example, simulating the forest's development over the next 30 years. Find out more here.
Project updates
Project start
Start of project activities.